As per your request

Per your request, I have reserved a room for you the nights of May 23 and 24." Nov 29 2007 15:24:04. anonymous + 0. Yes. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. If you look for "per se" (the correct spelling) in these forums, you'll find a lot of information on that one.
5 comments. per your request, I provide the list of my references. save hide report. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I think they're both fine; according to wiktionary both can mean "in accordance with." So instead of writing: As per our predictions, sales have increased. "Per your request" just means "As you requested." Which one is better or correct?as per your request, here is the list of my referenceper your request, I provide the list of my referenceOther suggestions are welcome.Good question. I can buy you a cake as per your request I can buy you a cake as per your requested. Hi, which one is correct ? "Per your request, I am canceling your subscription forthwith."

Spoken wise, you can simplify the sentence just as normal humans do yet keep it formal. I can't think of any sentence where one would be appropriate but not the other.I wouldn't go mix-and-matching them together. Other suggestions are welcome. Conventional phrases have existed in business letters since at least 1589, but both the number of phrases in conventional use and the phrases which consti tute jargon have changed. Clive. Pick one and be consistent with it.Thank you!Thank you!Uh... using Latin phrases in English can be a bit tricky and may come across as stilted.

This thread is archived. share. "As requested" or "as you requested", or "per your request", but never "as per your request".MembersOnline Why not just use the normal English words and say something like "As requested, I have provided my references [below, in the attached file]".Note that a list of references contains several references (plural). best. But it's awkward and ugly English. When used to mean “according to” (per your request, per your order), the expression [per] is business jargon at its worst and should be avoided. "I am sending the material by surface mail, per your request." Equally annoying is the phrase "as per.” Charles T. Brusaw, The Business Writer’s Handbook (1987). Sort by. I can buy you a cake as per your request I can buy you a cake as per your requested The latter. Say 'I can buy you a cake as you requested.' One can use "as" in the following construction: As you requested, I am canceling your subscription forthwith. Translate Per your request. Although, it will sound very formal when spoken, you may be able to pull it off if it were written. 81% Upvoted. | The Internet's Largest Learn English Community - goes blockchain Q1 2019 | Per your request means pursuant to your request, in response to your request, in accordance with your request. as per your request, here is the list of my references.


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