Is there any necessity

Even in cases where manner is homicidal, detection of intoxicating agent’s alcohol in the body of victim may be indicative of victim’s excitation, agitated quarrelling behavior, which might have provoked the assault, or attack that lead to death and hence may not be murder. • Police should not give blanket printed request “all medico preserved” rather “all necessary medico legal items be preserved if deemed necessary” Doctor should have a liberty to take decision in certain cases in specific situation regarding utility of preservation. Though Viscera should be preserved: 1. All death in non-institutional abortion cases.

the benefit of truth from scientific observations to prove an alleged accused to be innocent.

Thus unnecessary preservation of many viscera can be avoided. Autopsy surgeon should have the advantage of taking decisions about whether to preserve viscera, if it be necessary to preserve any viscera then what viscera to be preserved and for what purpose in which method, there by not only limiting the lot of misuse of man material, space and time but also helps in rapid trial, putting an end to blaming doctors for inept handling of the case causing delay in trial process. Thanks. Asst. of Forensic Medicine, N.R.S Medical College, Kolkata Residence: Dr.Sobhan Kr.Das Niranjan Appartment, Flat-2a, 146, Jugipara Road, Kolkata-700028 Ph:(033) 2500 2188, Mob: 9830414835 … 5. Download Citation | Preoperative Imaging Studies: Is There Any Necessity? Author information: (1)Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Guri, Korea.

9. We have noticed a markedly decrease of pustules following continual treatment with antifungals for 2-4 weeks, but with recurrence after continued antibiotic usage.
It is scientifically desirable that requisition or inquest requesting postmortem examination should be with the note: “All necessary medico legal items may be preserved if deemed necessary”. 6. 2. of Forensic Medicine, N.R.S Medical College, Kolkata Residence: Dr.Sobhan Kr.DasJIAFM, 2007 29 (2) ISSN: 0971-0973 death of passengers of an automobile in road traffic accident cases. Forensic Toxicology, website medical toxicological unit lab, part of guy’s Thomas hospital trust pathology. 3.

Hence it is clear that chemical examination still may have value even in cases where cause and manner of death already determined during autopsy but in these cases doctors decision in selection of cases is important as not every such cases is medicolegally significant. In all unidentified cases 2. Preferably in suicidal and RTA cases. A Discussion. Nowhere anybody mention how long they need to be preserved and for what purpose. Asst. Photo-1 [photocopy of two inquests] Photo-2 [highlighted part of above two inquests] Therefore if any body is to blame for unnecessary preservation of viscera it is the police themselves as they indiscriminately request doctor to collect and preserve viscera without any definite reason or purpose whether it is for chemical examination or for serological or for histological or biochemical purpose without any mention of time period so naturally it is not possible to preserve all material for unknown purpose or for indefinite period, in such situation what a doctor can do is-- do preserve common viscerae for common purpose examination. Late cause of death in any unnatural deaths e.g. A Discussion Dr.Sobhan Kr. 3 months and • Where police suspect no foul play viscera should be kept only for 1 month then should be destroyed. Professor, Dept. Modern trend in forensic medicine, edited Keith Simpson, London butterworth, 1967.p.315. In cases of lightning death. 7.


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