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Storm Hanna, the first hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic season, was forecast to make landfall on the Texas coast on Saturday, threatening one of the nation's COVID-19 hot spots with storm surge and flooding.Residents in several south Texas communities were urged to evacuate on Friday ahead of a storm expected to bring hurricane winds and heavy rain this weekend.Jimmy Tosh, who runs a multi-million dollar hog and grain farm in Tennessee, is a lifelong Republican. Reuters US Domestic News Summary Following is a summary of current US domestic news briefs. Reuters US Domestic News Summary. Florida sets one-day record with over 15,000 new COVID cases, more than most countries. Get the latest U.S. news stories from coast to coast and stay current on the events that shape our nation. Following is a summary of current US domestic news briefs. Reuters US Domestic News Summary Following is a summary of current US domestic news briefs. You have to wear a face mask if you shop at these stores. Reuters US Domestic News Summary. brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in business, politics, entertainment, technology, video and pictures. Fight for control of U.S. Senate starts with Maine, Texas, Alabama primaries U.S. sets one-day record with more than 60,500 COVID cases; Americans divided He is pro-gun, supports lower taxes and agrees with most of Republican President Donald Trump's agenda.Voters should be on high alert for foreign interference in the Nov. 3 U.S. election, the U.S. counterintelligence agency chief said on Friday in a rare warning that the public should screen information, check online sources and report suspicious actions.Security was tight outside the U.S. consulate in the Chinese city of Chengdu on Saturday as staff inside prepared to leave, while U.S. officials took over the closed Chinese consulate in Houston. Security was tight outside the U.S. consulate in the Chinese city of Chengdu on Saturday as staff inside prepared to leave, a day after China ordered it to close in response to a U.S. order for China to shut its consulate in Houston.China on Friday ordered the United States to close its consulate in Chengdu in response to a U.S. order for China to shut its Houston consulate, where staff packed up belongings watched by jeering protesters amid a sharp deterioration in relations between the world's two largest economies.A Singaporean man who set up a fake consulting site to solicit information from U.S. government and military workers has pleaded guilty to acting as an illegal agent of Chinese intelligence, the Justice Department said on Friday.Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Friday that current tensions in Sino-U.S. relations were entirely caused by the United States.The White House urged China on Friday not to engage in "tit-for-tat retaliation" by ordering the U.S. consulate in Chengdu closed in response to Washington's shuttering of Beijing's consulate in Houston.China on Friday said some personnel at the U.S. consulate in Chengdu interfered in China's affairs and conducted activities not in line with their diplomatic identities.A Chinese researcher who took refuge from U.S. authorities at China's consulate in San Francisco is now in American custody and is expected to appear in court on Monday, U.S. Justice Department officials said.The United States and Russia next week will conduct their first formal, bilateral talks on space security since 2013, following a U.S. allegation that Russia tested a space-based anti-satellite weapon this month, a U.S. official said on Friday.Jimmy Tosh, who runs a multi-million dollar hog and grain farm in Tennessee, is a lifelong Republican. is your online source for the latest U.S. news stories from coast to coast and stay current on the events that shape our nation. prosecutors on Friday unveiled charges against 18 Portland, Oregon protesters ranging from assaulting police to arson and trespassing, a day after the Trump administration expanded the deployment of tactical police to Seattle.The United States recorded more than 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 for the fourth straight day on Friday but a top White House advisor on the pandemic said she saw signs that the worst could be past in hard-hit southern and western states.U.S. Reuters US Domestic News Summary Following is a summary of current US domestic news briefs. Portland moms form human barrier to protect protesters from federal officers. Lucy Fielder reports.People around the world adapt to a new normal of staying at home, social distancing and masks during the coronavirus pandemic.Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan joined huge crowds on Friday for the first prayers at Hagia Sophia in nine decades, sealing his ambition to restore Muslim worship at an ancient site long revered in both Christianity and Islam.Exhaustion, fear and hope on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.Reuters, the news and media division of All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes.


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