Cet time now

Poland 25.

Montenegro 22.

This time zone is in use during standard time in: Europe, Africa. Hungary 14.

Monaco 21. This time zone is often called Central European Time.

Ideally provide a link to a page on Time.is that will automatically convert the time to the user's own time zone, like this: See also: 03:00pm UTC+2), or by referring to a specific time and location (e.g. Summer Time & DST

Luxembourg 18.

Belgium 5. Also known as: ECT – European Central Time, CET – Central Europe TimeCentral European Time (CET) is 1 hour ahead of This time zone is often called Central European Time.Some places observe Some time zones exist that have the same offset as CET, but can be found under a different name:Saturday, 25 July 2020Saturday, 25 July 2020MEZ – Mitteleuropäische Zeit (German)

Holy See/Vatican City 13. Germany 11. The following locations in Europe are all within the CET Time Zone.

Liechtenstein 17. Central European Summer Time (CEST) is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Austria 4. In Europe, this time zone is also referred to as European Central Time (ECT), or Central Europe Time (CET).

ahead of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).The time offset from UTC can be written as +01:00. See full time zone map. Gibraltar 12. Andorra 3.

Slovakia 28. Macedonia, Republic of 19.

Italy 15.

© Time and Date AS 1995–2020. 1. "at 15:00 on 31 July in Paris"). All countries in the CET time zone observe DST (UTC+2) from 02:00 am on the last Sunday of March until 03:00 am on the last Sunday of October.Since there is some confusion around the definition of CET, we recommend quoting time in UTC offsets (e.g. Kosovo 16.

Some locations use CET all year long. Slovenia 29. This time zone is often called Central European Summer Time. During the summer CEST - Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) is in use. Denmark (mainland) 9. CET (Central European Time) is one of the well-known names of UTC+1 time zone which is 1h. Norway 24. Netherlands 23.

Czech Republic 8. San Marino 26. All countries in the CET time zone observe DST (UTC+2) from 02:00 am on the last Sunday of March until 03:00 am on the last Sunday of October.

Serbia 27. Bosnia-Herzegovina 6. Warning: Many sources define CET as a constant UTC+1.

France 10.

Albania 2. This time zone is a Daylight Saving Time time zone and is used in: Europe, Antarctica..

Croatia 7.

In Germany, the time zone is referred to as Mitteleuropäische Zeit or MEZ. Malta 20. It's used during the winter. See full time zone map In common usage however, CET usually refers to the time observed in most of Europe, be it standard time or daylight saving time. During fall to winter months Central European Time is used, and then during Daylight Saving (spring to summer months) Central European Summer Time or CEST is used. Central European Time (CET) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Central European Time (CET) is the time zone of most European countries, specifically CET alternates between UTC+1 (standard time) and UTC+2 (when daylight saving time (DST) is observed).


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