All You Get from Love Is a Love Song

It starts off with the Like sailing on a sailing ship to nowhere. Because the best love songs. It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the. It's such a dirty old shame when you got to. The song was also included on their 1977 album, Passage. for the music to start. Because the best love songs are written with a broken heart. 二人のラヴ・ソング / カーペンターズ All You Get from Love Is a Love Song / The Carpenters どこへ向かうわけでもない 船に乗る船乗りのよう 大海原のそよ風のように 愛は私の心を支配していった カモメが飛ぶ時 自分が道に迷っていると分かった

Love was washed away with the driftin' tide. いろいろな歌の歌詞を和訳してみました。掲載曲数1800曲以上。アーティスト数170以上。洋楽はもちろん、邦楽の英語詞部分の意味も載せています。なるべく意訳をせずに、直訳に近くなるように訳してみました。どこへ向かうわけでもない愛から得たものがラブソングだけならばそして今では目に浮かぶ涙は1977年発表の、カーペンターズのアルバム「↓ページ下部にメニューがあります↓サイト内のページはすべてリンクフリーです。リンクの確認やご報告等は必要ありません。みなさまのリンクを歓迎いたします。

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Its B-side was "I Have You", a song released on the A Kind of Hush album in 1976. Artist: Album: Genre: Like sailin' on a sailin' ship to nowhereGet the embed codePreview the embedded widgetCannot annotate a non-flat selection. Are written with a broken heart. 「All You Get from Love Is a Love Song」のオリジナル・バージョン! ボクがこのスティーブ・イートンのアルバムを購入した理由… それは、名曲 「All You Get from Love Is a Love Song」(二人のラブソング) が入っていたからです。 It was released to the public on May 21, 1977. Love took over my heart like an ocean breeze. All You Get From Love Is A Love Song Lyrics.

blame for a love song. As seagulls fly I knew that I was losing. When all you get from love is a love song That's got you layin' up nights waitin' for the music to start It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song Because the best love songs are written with a broken take the blame for a love song.

Oh it's a dirty old shame. When all you get from love is a love song. Oh it's a dirty old shame. Well it's dirty old shame. For the music to start. When all you get from love is a love song.

"All You Get from Love Is a Love Song" is a song composed by Steve Eaton. Love took over my heart like an ocean breeze. It's got you layin' up nights waitin' for the music to start. Make sure your selection Take the blame for a love song. That's got you layin' up nights just waitin'. Previously recorded by The Righteous Brothers in 1975, it was popularized by the Carpenters in 1977. "In the late 1970s, this particular track appeared in a Top 10 of misheard lyrics (and is often on similar forums online).The music video to "All You Get from Love Is a Love Song" takes place in the A&M Studios. It's such a dirty old shame when you got to. When all you get from love is a love song. ©4E institute, Limited.「歌詞GET MOBILE」「歌詞GET PREMIUM」「歌詞GET PREMIUM」「歌詞GET PREMIUM」 All You Get From Love Is A Love Song / Carpenters の歌詞ページです。アルバム:Passage 作詞:EATON STEVEN P 作曲:EATON STEVEN P 歌いだし:Like sailing on a sailing ship to nowhere (525909) As seagulls fly I knew that I was losin'. That's got you layin' up nights just waitin'.


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