You've sold it to me

What kind of situation has Rob got into when he bumps into a woman on the way to work?What's a razor got to do with Rob's bike ride to work? So do you. But Rob wants Feifei to try his dumplings and promises 'the proof is in the pudding'. It looks pretty bad on the roadGoing out with a good-looking but uninteresting person?An expression for when you forget English wordsLearn an expression which makes an ocean sound very small indeedAn expression for those who get along with peopleAn expression for when you get a bargainLearn what we say when share prices go up and when they go down'Trolls' and 'haters' – the words for people who are just there to annoy you onlineLearn a phrase to give someone some friendly adviceHow to describe someone who is funA popular expression for letting people know you are an expertA useful expression for indirectly saying that someone is uglyLearn a phrase that's full of praise. I need to get into shape! This expression may not have anything to do with numbersA water phrase which may have nothing to do with water Telling lies? Here's an expression for when you've forgotten somethingHow can sleeping help you make a decision?

Too hot? Is it something that you are born with or do you develop it? A phrase to follow!Don’t hate this phrase!Something to talk about!Something to snack onAn English phrase to rememberNo phone – no-mophobia!A phrase to show off withGive your English a kick!Join the rat race for the 'Year of the Rat'If you do small tasks for tech firms then this new word describes your job!Feifei's had a new coat every day this month. If so, here's a phrase that tells you what to do nextGot an idea that's never going to work? 'What actions are considered out of order in your country?Learn a new way to say ‘very’ in this week’s The English We Speak!A phrase to describe being unhelpfulLearn a funny phrase!It's no joke!Keep this phrase a secret!A deceiving phraseA good and bad phraseA tough phraseA phrase you'll really likeA phrase to sing aboutA phrase about big vs smallPrepare to be shocked!A moving phrase!Informal chatIs this a clever phrase?An easier phraseA phrase to shout aboutGet that festive feeling again and againA phrase for bad presentsA detox of a different kindGreat food but a bad tasteIs it a meal or a type of weather?Time to give upAn easy expressionA less intelligent phoneWho's scared?An indecisive phraseBelieve it or not, not all waffles are good!When things aren't quite straightDoing something amazingHas someone annoyed you?What’s worse than bragging?A deep phraseA moody expressionA spicy expressionA sweet phraseHurry up!Press 'send'No biscuits requiredA trying expression!Unavoidable situationsA truthful phraseIt was me!No smelling needed!A phrase about knowing important peopleA no-win situationDust off an old English phraseA quiet phraseA trouble-free phraseBlood moneyA trivial phraseServes you right!Some who's skilled and experiencedAre you missing out?Reminding someone about something they'd rather forgetAre you a smartphone zombie?Free food!Don't blame me!A ridiculous phrase!Payback time!A worry-free phraseYoung and cleverTwo good thingsA lazy phraseJust give me the detailsJust what I wanted!A phrase about jealousyTime to get out of here!Time to lose that beard…When jazz isn't jazz…Not gonna lie: this is a great programme!Up your emoji gameShout it outAn energetic phraseParty time!Fame at last!Is this a rubbish phrase?A polite phrase – most of the timeLearn a phrase with a painful endingFeeling bored of your work?Fancy a laugh?Why is Neil being criticised?Familiar word, new meaning!Learn an informal expression for when you have to improviseTake a chance!What's going on?


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