Things to do in Japan

Lunch is more affordable than dinner.If you are vegetarian, look out for the meat-free alternative Matcha is a powdered green tea that has a richer flavour than regular tea. It sounds sugarcoated but it's true. Japan is a bewildering, beautiful country that is like nowhere else. I also recommend playing games at atmospheric Futarasan-jinja and hiking up the mountain to the tranquil Takino shrine.Otagi NenbutsujiMy favourite temple in Kyoto is the quirky There’s so much more to Japan than the cities. From Okayama take the train to Bizen-Ichinomiya where you can hire a bike one-way to Soja then hop on the train back from there.See my post on Bamboo forest at Kodai-ji temple on a rainy nightThere’s something magical and very Japanese about a bamboo forest with its towering green stalks swaying in the breeze. There’s a wide array of games, and one of the most fun is playing the huge Japanese taiko drums.The most unique arcade we visited in Japan was the Anato No Warehouse in Kawasaki near Tokyo, which is themed like a seedy back alley in Hong Kong’s Kowloon walled city. Most visitors will know about the likes of Mount Fuji, soaking in an onsen, a tea ceremony and sumo wrestling. They are popular destinations for the Japanese for relaxing getaways.The best way to experience one is to stay in a ryokan. PIXTA. Eating sushi in Japan is different from elsewhere and there are strict rules—see this Sushi comes in many forms. While it all involves rice prepared with sushi vinegar, it doesn’t all include raw fish. The network is extensive and the trains are comfortable, clean, quiet, safe, and always on time (to the minute! Make sure you One of the most famous sights in Tokyo is the insane Shibuya Crossing, the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing. Look out for sakura-themed items like mochi, kitkats, and even beer.Our favourite hanami spots were Handayama Botanical Garden in In Japan you’ll find vending machines everywhere—in train stations, on almost every street corner, and even on hiking paths. It’s not just cold drinks, though—in the colder months you can buy a can of hot coffee, tea, and even corn soup to go! View from Harukas 300 in Osaka at nightJapanese cities are vast and impressive with towering skyscrapers and neon signs.

Make sure you shower thoroughly before you get in the bath too. Next time I’d pay more for one of the more traditional temples like 1000-year-old My favourite shrine in Japan and one of the most popular things to do in Kyoto is the unique Fushimi Inari. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

1) Spend a Night in a Ryokan. In a country with a unique culture like Japan, visitors can feel daunted by the rules and social norms that regulate public life and interpersonal relations.Foreigners visiting Japan are not expected to be familiar with Japanese etiquette, but knowing a few basics will go a long way in helping you adapt to local customs and avoid making cultural gaffes. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Enjoy exploring this weird and wonderful country!Enter your email to sign up for our monthly newsletter with exclusive travel tips and updates.By clicking the link in the confirmation email, you consent to being sent newsletters and special offers. There are so many amazing things to do in Japan that one trip is never enough—it has stolen our hearts and we can’t stop returning.From ancient temples to futuristic skyscrapers, tranquil tea ceremonies to over-the-top arcades, relaxing hot springs to cosplay go-kart rides, Japan has so much to offer everyone.Even on a short visit to Japan, you can choose a few experiences from each category for an unforgettable trip.These unique things to do in Japan are activities you don’t find elsewhere and are the best ways of experiencing Japanese culture.Our room at Hotel Mushashiya ryokan overlooking Lake Ashi in HakoneFor at least one night of your trip, I highly recommend staying in a ryokan, which is a traditional Japanese inn.


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