More birthdays to come 意味

On this special day, I pray for you and hope that God will bless you with everything that you ever desired in your life.========================It’s your birthday today, and I hope that God blesses you with everything that you need in your life, whether it’s strength, spiritual guidance or anything else at all.========================As you grow yet another year older on this day, I hope that God’s blessings and teachings follow you wherever you go.========================We celebrate God’s wonderful ways and creations everyday, but today is a day for us to celebrate you. Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Celebrate everything that life has to offer today, and bring with you all the joy that you should have too!========================God walks with you everyday, guiding you and supporting you. I hope that God will rain His mercy down on us and that you will be able to celebrate many more birthdays with you.========================Hey, birthday boy / girl! Happy birthday my dear friend.========================Wow, today is the day that God created you, and that’s honestly great! Happy birthday!========================It’s your special day today, and I hope that God will continue to shower you with all of His glory and wonders. Birthdays Mean: cake, presents, wrapping paper, money, clothes, friends, partys etc. I hope that God will bless you with a long and healthy life so that we have more years to spend together and have many, many more fun adventures!========================You have lived your life so far under God’s guidance, and with this birthday we hope that you will continue to live under His care and blessings as well. I hope that you will feel God’s eternal and unconditional love for you today, more so than any other days, for today is your birthday! Happy birthday and may you continue to be blessed by God always!========================I hope that this birthday brings you closer to God’s will. Yes, I did say that last year. Continue to have faith in Him and you too will reap the bountiful joy as you follow along with His plans!========================With the arrival of this birthday, I hope that God will always continue to have you sheltered in His care. It’s a day that only comes around once a year, and for this reason it should be a memorable one. May His serenity be felt by you too!========================It’s your special day today, buddy! The exciting thing is that we can decide how amazing a birthday turns out to be – a good amount of love and effort will result in a happy, successful day. On this special day, may you find more strength and faith in you to trust God and His ways?========================No matter what trouble comes your way, remember that faith in God is the way to go. Happy Birthday !! I hope that this birthday brings you God’s grace and guidance in every step that you take for the years to come.========================Maybe it is indeed your faith in God that makes you as strong as you are today, but it is your birthday that makes you another year older! Happy birthday!========================God is all able and powerful.

Happy birthday and have faith always!========================Our God works in mysterious ways, but He spared no resources in making you the person that you have grown to be today. Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come. Happy birthday my dear.========================There isn’t any other form of love in the world that is stronger than that of God’s love. A religious birthday wish is one of the best ways to convey our wish to someone who celebrates his or her birthday.

Happy birthday my dear friend!========================With this new birthday, I am sure that you have learned about the importance of having faith in God in any circumstances.


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