He said that he has

However, he did argue that he had looked at official lockdown guidance published in March that banned people with coronavirus symptoms from leaving their home, and said: "If you have children, keep following this advice to the best of your ability, however, we are aware that not all these measures will be possible. No interactions with anybody.

I should do,” he said.The family then made the 44-minute journey to Barnard Castle, and “ended up on the outskirts”, he said.

If the account is correct this means Mr Cummings broke lockdown rules more than once.At the press conference, Mr Cummings admitted to two trips to the woods. On Tuesday he said he hoped he didn’t have to use the powers but did not say why. The first, he said, was on his father's property, and he was seen by a member of the public.

My wife and I discussed the situation. Better yet, who is “he who has ears”?

However, he did not clarify whether he or his wife got out of the car, or whether they exposed anyone else to risk.Mr Cummings claimed that made the 260-mile trip to Durham without stopping for petrol but made one stop on the way back. Our officer did, however, provide the family with advice on security issues.”Mr Cummings did not address Dr Harries' point directly.

"They were briefly outside, I briefly joined them.

The first, he said, was on his father's property, and he was seen by a member of the public.“At one point the three of us walked into woods, owned by my father," Mr Cummings said. We walked about 10 to 15 metres from the car to the riverbank nearby. "Mr Cummings But Mr Cummings said: “Data on my phone would prove this to be false, and local CCTV if it exists, would also prove that I'm telling the truth that I was in London. And was there really a risk to life? Mr Cummings claimed that he drove to the market town of Barnard Castle on Sunday April 12 to "test his eyesight" before making the long trip back to London.“We were all going to go back," he said. "I read the full article that COVID-19 symptoms vary widely, and undertesting in many countries means that many people may have already had the coronavirus without having received a positive diagnosis. The actor says he feels fine and currently has no symptoms, but has been isolated since he found out that he may have been exposed to the virus.

We agreed that I could drive safely.

“The Prime Minister’s time is just about the most valuable commodity that exists in the Government. I could barely move to be honest.”Mr Cummings returned to work on April 14 and, according to his account, he had been isolating with his wife and children since around March 29.The Force had initially claimed officers spoke to Mr Cummings family, without naming them, and had offered advice on the coronavirus lockdown.Hours later Downing Street denied that any member of Mr Cummings’ family had been spoken to by police, prompting the force to issue a clarifying statement in which he was named.But on Monday, Durham Police issued a third statement confirming it had not raised the issue of the lockdown.The statement confirmed Robert Cummings had told officers his son was staying at his property and he and his wife were displaying signs of coronavirus and were self isolating.The statement went on: “We can further confirm that our officer gave no specific advice on coronavirus to any members of the family and that Durham Constabulary deemed that no further action was required in that regard. At an extraordinary Despite his account, some questions are still unanswered:“I did not ask the Prime Minister about this decision. On that day, I was not in Durham.”Mr Cummings said he was worried that if both he and his wife fell ill there was "nobody in London we could reasonably ask to look after our child and expose themselves to Covid".The couple decided that, instead of asking family and friends in London, they would decamp to Durham where his sister and two nieces had offered to look after his son if necessary.“In that scenario, what would be best for everybody, wouldn't it be best for a 17-year-old niece, to walk 50 metres and look after our child, or would it be best for me to be here?

(Susan Walsh/AP) And on Friday at a White House press conference, Trump said that on … Who is “he who has ears to hear”? What did Boris Johnson know? Question: "What did Jesus mean when He said, ‘He who has ears to hear’?"

We sat there for about 15 minutes.

I just knew it. In fact, he said the reason for his trip was because he worried that if both he and his wife fell ill there was "nobody in London we could reasonably ask to look after our child and expose themselves to Covid".We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future.Thank you for your support.Need help?Visit our He said the "only negative" he had heard was from a "very unscientific report" conducted by "people that aren't big Trump fans". "I wasn't sightseeing, I didn't go to the castle," he said. My wife wished him happy Easter from a distance, but we had no other interaction.” Mr Cummings said that over the weekend of March 28-29, he and his family moved into a small cottage made from “concrete blocks” around 50m from his parents’ main residence.“The next day, I got extremely ill,” he said.


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