They Shall Not Grow Old 日本

We also edited out any references to dates and places, because I didn’t want the movie to be about this day here or that day there. The title was inspired by the line "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old" from the 1914 poem "The film was co-commissioned by Jackson stated: "We made a decision not to identify the soldiers as the film happened. Which is: what was it like to be a British soldier on the western front? Directed by Peter Jackson. Audio is from BBC and Imperial War Museum (IWM) interviews of British servicemen who fought in the conflict. It’s a truly epic and deeply moving piece of work which engages attention from start to finish. I didn't want individual stories about individuals. The crew reviewed 600 hours of interviews from 200 veterans and 100 hours of original film footage to make the film.

44,304リアルすぎるというか、これがリアルなんだよね。第一次世界大戦を記録したフィルムを修復し、色と音声をつけたドキュメンタリー映画『今まで白黒では見ることがあったものですが、効果音を加えたり、歴史を時系列順に追うといったものではなく、兵士から見てどんな第一次世界大戦はどんなものだったのかという部分に焦点が当てられていて、祖父が第一次世界大戦で戦ったというピーター・ジャクソン監督は、第一次世界大戦に強い興味を持っていてピーター・ジャクソン監督ほどの著名な監督が無償で……と驚くかもしれませんが、彼は”強い興味を持っている”という言葉では足りないくらいの、第一次世界大戦期の飛行機を中心に展開するなので、今回のオファーが来たときには、無償でもOKなもうやりたくてやりたくてしょうがないプロジェクトだったのでしょう。夢のような仕事ができて本当に良かったね……!映画は制作されたイギリスでは今年の10月に一部劇場で公開、11月にBBC2で放映済み。そしてアメリカでは2018年の12月17日と27日の限定公開となるとのこと。日本では見られるか今のところわかりませんが、5,974,0938,92413,55334,67520,2535,974,09365,85332,15343,7705,974,09377,10083,603282,772168,926FOLLOW USCopyright © mediagene Inc. All Rights Reserved. I wanted the film to be a human experience and be agnostic in that way. A documentary about World War I with never-before-seen footage to commemorate the centennial of the end of the war. "Jackson did not receive any fee for the making of the film.It was produced by The music was composed by New Zealand trio Plan 9, consisting of The closing credits of the film feature an extended version of the song "The film premiered on 16 October 2018 as a Special Presentation at the The film was broadcast on The film received a special United States release through In the United States, the film was screened as part of a one-day presentation through On Giving the film a five-star rating, Guy Lode of Stephen Dalton of The response was not universally positive however, and particularly among archivists and film historians some concerns were raised about the ways in which the film erased the original filmmakers, manipulated the image through colourization Whether you see ‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ in 2D or 3D (a minority of reviewers seem obsessively hung-up on the current unavailability of Jackson’s 3D version), this is a film like no other and should be seen. They Shall Not Grow Old is a 2018 documentary film directed and produced by Peter Jackson.The film was created using original footage of the First World War from the Imperial War Museum's archives, most previously unseen, all over 100 years old by the time of release. Jackson, whose grandfather (to whom the film is dedicated) fought in the war, intended for the film to be an immersive experience of "what it was like to be a soldier" rather than a story or a recount of events.

第一次世界大戦を記録したフィルムを修復し、色と音声をつけたドキュメンタリー映画『They Shall Not Grow Old』の予告編が公開され話題となりました。 製作・監督:ピーター・ジャクソン『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』 原題:they shall not grow old /2018年/イギリス・ニュージーランド/英語/パートカラー/アメリカンビス … I wanted it to be what it ended up being: 120 men telling a single story. It is Jackson's first documentary as director. In a way it became an anonymous and agnostic film. There were so many of them that names would be popping up on the screen every time a voice appeared. There's hundreds of books about all that stuff.


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