Best Hit USA / 1980

The best movies of 1980 picked by critics and filmmakers and sorted by rank. The top 100 1980 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 1980. The best-selling singles of the 1980s were compiled for Gallup by chart statisticians Alan Jones and Bob Macdonald.The 19 September 2009 issue of the UK music trade magazine The 1984 charity single "At number six is List of #1 Pop Singles for 1980. provides music charts with hot hits from all over the world, like US / UK Albums and Singles, Bilboard Chart, Dance charts and more.

The top 100 1980 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 1980.

The very best music. It contained updated charts of the top twenty best-selling singles of each decade of the magazine's existence, based on the most recent information available from the Official Charts Company (OCC). Includes award nominees and foreign films released in 1980 with movie reviews and home video release information. Latest Updates: News | Daily | Weekend | All Time | International | Showdowns Help.

Air Supply - Lost In Love - 04-80 - Arista Air Supply - All Out Of Love - 08-80 - Arista AIr Supply - Every Woman In The World - 12-80 - Arista Ambrosia - Biggest Part Of Me - 05-80 - Warner Ambrosia - You're The Only Woman (You And I) - 09-80 - Warner Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot - 11-80 - Chrysalis George Benson - Give Me The Night - 08-80 - Warner The list on this page is for all #1 hit Pop singles for 1980 using proprietary methods. The top twenty chart for the 1980s comprised the same twenty singles as the chart published in 1990, but "Blue Monday" was placed at number 12 and " Eye of the Tiger " at number 13. « Read the latest music news on rock, pop, country, jazz, rap, hip hop and more, get ringtones and lyrics. by IMDbPro - an IMDb company. REX USA/Richard Young/Rex Debbie Harry of Blondie performs in 1980. The Year is 1980. © 2009 - 2020 The results in this chart are not affiliated with any mainstream or commercial chart and may not reflect charts seen elsewhere. USA Singles Top 40 on Top40 Charts. These are the year's Favo(u)rites in the UK, the top 20 single records.


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